What K9s Do

Crime Is on the Rise

Violent crime is on the rise.

  • In 2019, almost 22% of high school students reported having illegal drugs made available to them … at school.
  • In 2021, there were 93 school shootings that resulted in casualties.
  • The number of people prosecuted for sex trafficking doubled from 2011-2021.
Crime on the rise
Not just crime

Not Just Crime

And it’s not just crime. The prevalence of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly is also increasing, leading to a sharp uptick in the number of missing persons.

Make Your Community Safer

Support the efforts of K9 Officers to reduce violent crime, illegal drugs, and school shootings in your community.

K9s Apprehend Perpetrators and De-escalate Altercations

K9s Catch Criminals

K9s are quick and agile. When a suspect flees the scene of a crime, a K9 officer can quickly catch and subdue the perpetrator until human help arrives.

K9s also have an amazing sense of smell. If a suspect is able to elude human law enforcement officers, a K9 officer can be brought to the scene of the crime to locate a perpetrator.

K9s De-escalate Altercations Between Perpetrators and Police

When situations become strained between law enforcement officers and perpetrators, a K9 officer can quickly de-escalate the situation simply by being brought to the scene.

The size, strength, and speed of K9 officers have physical and psychological effects on suspects who might be combative. Their mere presence ensures the safety of both human police officers and perpetrators.

Protect your community, your police officers, and even alleged criminals by donating to K9 Officers. Your donation can help obtain and train a K9 officer or protect a K9 officer with a bulletproof vest or a heat alarm.

K9 Retirement

When a K9 officer retires after 7-9 years of service, the last handler that worked with the K9 becomes the primary caretaker. At that time, K9 Officers recommits to providing veterinary care.

Support K9 Officers as we pay for protective equipment and the continued veterinary care of K9s who have devoted their lives to protect and serve their communities. Submit a one-time donation or commit to a monthly donation now.

K9s De-escalate Altercations Between Perpetrators and Police

If a human officer has reason to believe there are illegal drugs in the vicinity, a K9 officer can quickly locate the drugs with his or her powerful sense of smell, getting both drugs and drug dealers off the streets.

Keeping Drugs Out of Schools

K9 officers help keep drugs out of schools in 2 ways:

  1. K9 officers and their handlers present demonstrations at elementary, middle, and high schools with the message to steer clear of drugs.
  2. K9 officers also visit schools to conduct drug searches.

Cultivating Relationships in Communities

Dogs are universally loved. So K9 officers can help cultivate relationships between police officers and traditionally marginalized communities.

When people in these communities trust their police officers, they are more likely to assist in efforts to keep their communities safe.

How YOU Can Help

Get drugs off the streets and out of schools in your community.

Support K9 Officers with a donation to purchase and train drug-detecting dogs for law enforcement agencies in your area.

K9s Detect Firearms … Fast

K9 officers who are trained to detect firearms can not only sniff out a recently fired firearm but can also locate a firearm that has never been fired!

Save Our Students from School Shootings

K9s can take down a gun-wielding perpetrator in seconds.

The efficacy of a firearms-detecting K9 can keep guns out of our kids’ schools, ultimately protecting them from gun violence. K9s are the key to keeping our kids safe.

How YOU Can Help

Keep the kids in your area schools safe from gun violence by donating to purchase and train firearms-detecting K9 officers.

K9s Curtail Human Trafficking

Human traffickers use electronic devices to communicate with industries that benefit from the exploitation of human labor, prostitution, forced marriage, and even organ removal.

K9 officers are trained to sniff out electronic evidence associated with sex trafficking so that traffickers can no longer contact, recruit, or harm more victims.

When victims of sex trafficking are located in police raids, K9 officers provide comfort and support for victims of all ages.

How YOU Can Help

Protect vulnerable women, girls, men, and boys from people who prey upon them. Donate $5, $50, or $500 to purchase, train, and provide for K9 officers in your community.

K9s Locate Missing Persons

K9 officers assist in missions to locate missing children, adults, and the elderly. Time is of the essence when tracking missing persons, especially when weather conditions, injuries, or lack of lifesaving medications threaten human lives.

K9s trained to track missing persons use their amazing sense of smell to locate and track trails through any terrain, from city streets to snow-covered mountains, rainforests, and even deserts.

How YOU Can Help

Help locate missing persons with a donation to K9 Officers. Your donation can go toward the purchase or training of a dog or handler or to the purchase of lifesaving equipment to keep K9 officers on the trail.